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11 Best Air Purifying Plants For The Home

Best Air Purifying Plants For the Home  – If you’re looking for the best air purifying plants for the home look no further. This post will show you the best plants to keep in your home to dramatically improve the air quality of your home.


Why is it important to purify the air in your home?


Keeping the windows closed for days on end, using chemical cleaners, and the chemicals on modern household items and furnishings drastically reduce the air quality in the home. 



Breathing in lower quality air can cause problems such as 


  • Asthma
  • Headaches
  • Sneezing
  • Respiratory problems
  • Fatigue
  • Watery eyes


Luckily there are some simple ways you can improve the air quality in your home and one of the most effective ways of battling indoor pollution is from plants. 


This post will show you which plants are powerhouses at removing nasty toxins from the air, the benefits of plants in the home as well as other things you can do to purify the air in your home.


Benefits of keeping plants in the home 


  • They help keep the air clean and some increase oxygen levels
  • Plants are mood boosters
  • Plants increase your productivity
  • Help with concentration and memory
  • Plants help to reduce stress levels
  • Plants help fight off fatigue


1 – Snake Plant



The snake plant, also known as Mother-in-Law’s Tongue, is an easy to care for succulent that makes an excellent bedroom plant. 


Most plants release carbon dioxide at night, but not the snake plant! The snake plant gives out oxygen at night making it the perfect plant for your bedroom. Increased oxygen at night can help you breathe and sleep better.


If that’s not enough this plant is also fantastic at filtering out toxins from the air and turning them into pure oxygen. 


Watering Tips: Don’t overwater the snake plant as it’s prone to root rot. Water the plant only when the soil is dry, and then let it dry out again before watering. 


Toxic warning – This plant should be kept away from children and pets. 


2 – Aloe Vera



Another succulent on the list, Aloe Vera. This healing plant is not only great at purifying the air of toxins found in detergents and floor varnishes but is also a plant every household should own thanks to its amazing health and healing benefits! 


This easy to grow plant thrives best in sunny locations and doesn’t require lots of watering.


Watering Tips – It’s best to give Aloe vera plants a good watering and then let the soil almost dry out before watering again. Around every 2-3 weeks, depending on temperature, location, and humidity of your home. 




3 – Chinese Evergreen



This tropical Asian evergreen is another great plant for purifying the home. Chinese evergreen plants require a little more care than the previous two plants on the list, but the extra care is worth it as this plant can remove many common toxins found in the air of our homes. 


This plant would best be placed in the bathroom, out of reach of pets, as it thrives in humid climates. 


Watering Tips – Keep the soil of this plant moist, this is a humidity loving plant and does not tolerate dry conditions. It’s also good to mist the plant regularly.


Toxic – Toxic to pets. 


4 – Chrysanthemum aka Mums 



These bright and pretty flowers are powerful air purifiers. The blooms are what actually filter out the toxins so you will have to replace them around every 6 weeks. 


They love sunlight so an ideal place for them is in a sunny kitchen window. You will want to keep them out of reach of your cats and dogs as mums are toxic to both.


Watering tips – Keep the soil damp and water when the soil starts to dry. 


Toxic – Toxic to pets. 


5 – Barberton Daisy



These pretty flowers come in a variety of colors and are a beautiful way of injecting color into the home. These plants are great at filtering out toxins. Keep in a sunny location and make sure to plant in well-draining soil.


Watering tips – Water when needed to keep the soil moist.


Toxic – No


6 – Spider Plant



This resilient plant is perfect for those not green-fingered. This easy to care for plant is great at removing toxins and carbon monoxide and is non-toxic for kids and pets. This safe, easy to care for plant looks fantastic in hanging baskets and sometimes produces beautiful white blossoms. 


Watering tips – Water 2 – 3 times per week.


Toxic – No 


7 – Broad Lady Palm



These humidity loving plants are great at removing toxins from the air but also help to reduce levels of ammonia. The bathroom would be an ideal location to place this plant as it thrives in humidity. 


Watering tips – Water when the top 1 inch of the soil is dry. 


Toxic – No


8 – Dracaenas 



These larger slow-growing plants are easy to care for making them a great choice for newbies. Not only do they look fantastic in the house they remove a whole host of toxins from the air. Make sure to not overwater this plant as they don’t like having their roots saturated.


Watering tips – Keep the soil damp but not drenched, water as needed.


Toxic – Toxic to pets


Read Next: The Best Bathroom Plants That Absorb Moisture and Look Amazing


9 – English Ivy



This plant removes toxins, carbon monoxide and even fecal particles making a great hanging plant for the bathroom. Keep out of reach of pets and those with sensitive skin should avoid touching any sap from the plant as it may irritate the skin. Water generously.


Watering tips – Keep the plant well watered.


Toxic – Yes to pets and may cause skin irritations in people with sensitive skin. 


10 – Peace Lilies



Peace lilies are one of the top 3 plants at removing toxins and ammonia from the home. These plants produce beautiful flowers and look fabulous in any room. While they are fairly uncomplicated when it comes to lighting conditions, make sure they don’t get too little light as this can prevent blooming.


Watering tips – Keep soil moist but not oversaturated.


Toxic – Yes to pets and humans


11 – Weeping Fig



This popular house plant is great at purifying the air. They don’t like change though so think carefully about where you locate this plant in your home. Find a sunny location away from drafts and they will thrive. 


Watering tips – Plant in well-draining soil and only water when the top 2 inches of soil are dry. 


Toxic – The sap in this plant is mildly toxic to pets and humans. 


Other Ways To Purify The Home


While house plants are a great way to boost happiness, purify the air and brighten up the home there are also other ways you can boost air purification in your home.


Opening the windows 


While this one may sound obvious it’s surprising how many people don’t air out their home every day. Try to open the windows in your home for one hour a day minimum to let the “stale air” out and fill the house with a fresh supply of oxygen.


Salt Lamp


Himalayan Salt lamps like this one are another great way to keep your air clean and fully charged with negative ions. 


Switch to chemical-free household cleaners.


You can drastically reduce the number of toxins in your home by switching to eco-friendly cleaners. These cleaners are just as effective as those loaded with chemicals. You can clean your home without worrying about all those harsh chemicals around your children and pets and the air quality in your home will improve considerably.  


Air Purifier


Boost air quality in your home even further by adding an air purifier like this one. They are specially designed to remove nasty toxins from the air and keep the air in your home clean.


By using plants in each room, natural cleaning products and opening the windows in your home you can significantly increase the air quality in your home.


If you know anyone who may be interested in this post please share. 


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Yasmin Deedat

Wednesday 14th of February 2024

Thanks for your valuable information It’s highly appreciated 👏👍


Tuesday 26th of September 2023

I am a registered medical device designer, having studied respiratory health for over 40 years , your summary of plants aiding and supporting respiratory Heath in house is spot on thanking you for the guidance

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