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6 Awesome Benefits Of Keeping Air Plants (No Green Thumb Required)

Benefits of Air Plants In The Home


Keeping air plant’s in your home has been the rage lately and for all the good reasons. They clean air, don’t require any soil to grow, and can live on just the water that you mist them with or dunk them in once a week, making them ideal houseplants even for novices.


But there are even more benefits to having these low-maintenance plants around your home than just how easy they are to care for.


In this post, we will go over some of the key benefits associated with keeping air plants in your living space and how they can improve your daily life even if you don’t have a green thumb.


air plants indoor house plants


First, we’ll cover what these plants are and where they come from and then we dive into some of the amazing benefits associated with them, before finally showing you how you can care for them.


So without further ado let’s explore air plants and their incredible benefits!


What Are Air Plants


Tillandsias, or the more common name air plants, are a type of plant from the Bromeliad family that does not need soil to grow. They get their nutrients and moisture from the air, which makes them easy to care for.



air plants natural habitat

These tropical plants attach themselves to rocks, trees, or other objects using their roots in their natural habitat.


The majority of air plants grow naturally in Central and South America, but there are a few species that are native to the United States.


Air plants grow in a variety of habitats, including wet forests, deserts, and even high up in the trees. They can thrive in both indirect sunlight and full sun.


This makes them perfect low-maintenance houseplants, since they don’t need any soil and can thrive in a wide range of climates and small spaces, even in indirect light.


Benefits Of Air Plants In The Home


There are many benefits to keeping air plants in your home. Air plants can help clean the air in your home, making it a healthier place to live. They are also some of the easiest plants to care for even if you’re not good at keeping plants alive!


They are also incredibly easy to propagate, meaning you can create more of these plants with very little effort. Additionally, they come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, making it easy to find the perfect one for your home.


Air plants can also reduce your stress levels, making them a great addition to any home. Let’s dive into these benefits further:


Air Plants Need No Soil


air plants no soil


Air plants require little maintenance as they do not need soil because they get most of their nutrients from the air. This is a benefit to keeping these types of plants in your home, as you do not have to worry about them needing a lot of space to grow.


Additionally, air plants are very low-maintenance, and only need to be watered once a week.


They Are Non-Toxic To Your Family


Air plants are non-toxic to both people and pets, making them a great option for households with animals or small children. Unlike some other indoor plants, air plants do not produce any harmful toxins that could potentially cause problems for the inhabitants of the home. This makes them a safe choice for any location in the house and provides a great way to add some greenery without needing to worry about the safety of people and pets.


Clean The Air In Your Home With Air Plants


One of the main health benefits of having air plants in your home is that they help to purify the air and improve air quality. They remove harmful toxins such as formaldehyde and benzene from the air. This is important because these airborne contaminants can be harmful to your health and can cause respiratory problems.


air plants indoors


Air plants are known to improve the air quality in enclosed spaces by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing fresh oxygen. In fact, a single air plant can remove up to 2.5 pounds of carbon dioxide from the air each year making them the perfect plant to keep in your home


Air Plants Are Incredibly Easy To Propagate


The good news is air plants are really easy to propagate because they can be divided in half or thirds from the mother plant and will form new air plants. They can also be grown from seed, but this is usually not necessary because they are so easy to propagate.


Air plants do not need soil to grow, so they can be grown in a variety of ways. They can be attached to objects like rocks or pieces of wood, they can be hung in the air, or even grown in terrariums


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A Wide Variety Of Air Plants To Suite Every Home


The varieties of air plants are endless, and each different species has its own quirks. Some are more tolerant of low light levels, while others need more direct sunlight. Some types of air plants prefer more humid environments, while others can tolerate drier conditions.


One way to find the right air plant for your home is to think about the style and decor of your space. If you have a modern, minimalist aesthetic, you might prefer a sleek air plant with simple leaves. If you have a more rustic or tropical look, you might want an air plant with more pronounced leaves or colorful blooms.


air plant terrarium


You can also find air plants to add to your plant collection at local garden stores or online. Be sure to read the descriptions carefully to find plants that will thrive in your home environment.


Reduce Your Stress Levels


Plants have a long history of being used to improve mental health. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that plants had healing properties, and they would often use plants to decorate their homes and gardens. Today, research has shown that plants can help reduce stress levels.


One way that plants reduce stress is by providing a sense of relaxation. Studies have shown that looking at plants can help lower heart rate and lower blood pressure, both of which are associated with stress. In addition, the fresh air and natural light that come from plants can help improve moods.


Another way that plants reduce stress is by providing an outlet for emotions. Many people find it helpful to express their feelings through gardening or caring for plants. This can help relieve stress and anxiety. Caring for plants can also be calming and soothing, which can help reduce stress levels.


How To Care For Air Plants


Air plants need very little care. They enjoy high humidity in their natural environment, so you can mist them with water once a week.


In the winter, when the air is drier or if you regularly use air conditioning, you may need to mist them twice a week to ensure they get enough water. You can also give your air plants a bath in the sink every month or so. Place them in water for about 10 minutes, then let them dry upside down in a sunny spot.


Air plant care really is simple!


Conclusion – Air Plant Benefits 


Air plants make great gifts but they are also a great way to add some greenery to your home without having to worry about the safety of your pets or children.


They also help to purify the air in your home, removing harmful toxins from the air. Air plants are easy to propagate and come in a variety of shapes and sizes.


You can make air plant terrariums or attach them to different objects in your home, and you can find them easily at local garden stores or online.


Having plants in your home and surroundings has been shown to reduce stress levels, so they can be beneficial for your mental health as well.


So if you’re looking for a plant that is easy to care for, can help improve your air quality, and reduce your stress levels, consider adding some air plants to your home.


Read Next: 11 Best Air Purifying Plants For The Home 

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