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How To Easily Treat Head Lice In Kids

How To Easily Get Rid Of Head Lice


Do you have a child who has head lice? If so, then it’s important that you find the best way to get rid of them quickly and easily. Head lice can be difficult to remove from your child’s hair, but there are some things you can do which will help make this process easier. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to get rid of head lice on children in three easy steps!


head lice child



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How Do Head Lice Spread?


It´s actually pretty rare for head lice to spread via hairbrushes, combs, hats, or caps as research shows that only one in 2000 lice infections is spread this way. Contrary to many beliefs, personal hygiene is not a deciding factor either!


Head, lice don’t care whether you wash your hair on a daily basis or not. The main reason why they occur so often, especially at the beginning of a new school term, is because smaller children usually tend to have close body contact, whether it’s when playing outside or hugging each other saying hello or goodbye, and this is how the majority of lice swap hosts.  


Headlice usually occur less often with age because children usually have less body contact as they grow older. That’s why kindergarten and elementary schools tend to have more cases of infections. However, the rate of head lice infections among older children is on the uprise. The culprit? The modern phenomenon of taking hundreds of “selfies” a day with friends!!  


Kids put their heads together closely to take a photo and by doing so, they invite the nasty creature to hop over onto a new host. It’s not rocket science to figure out the potential risk when you think how many selfies a kid takes each day….


What To Do If Your Child Has Head Lice


head lice comb


In most countries, it is compulsory to report head lice. That means you have an obligation to notify the school either verbally or in writing. There is no need to get a doctor’s note. A quick call to your child’s teacher often proves sufficient.


You also have to declare that you will eliminate the headlice from your child’s head. If nobody else is infected the school might ask you to keep your child at home until you have treated your child.


Once you have treated your child, it is free to return to school as anti-lice shampoo sterilizes the nasty creatures and therefore eliminates the risk of infection. Parents should note that one treatment is generally not sufficient and a second treatment should be administered a week later. 


Before you notice that you have unwanted little creatures on your child’s head, a few weeks have usually gone by. During this time the little blighters have already settled in nicely and made themselves comfortable.


It is therefore important to check yourself and the entire family as well and inform all people with whom you usually have regular close contact.


How To Get Rid Of Head Lice Easily:


dry childs hair


Once you have informed all potential victims you need to declare war on these nasty little lemmings. Treatment for head lice can be bought in most Pharmacies. You´ll need




  1. First, remove the largest part of the lice with the comb. The narrow teeth of the comb leave little or no room for the lice to escape. Start at the scalp and comb it all the way through to the tips of the hair. To comb through easier you can dampen the hair or put on some conditioner. Make sure you clean the comb after each new strand with a paper tissue. 
  2. Massage the shampoo into the scalp and into the hair. Leave it in for a few minutes and thoroughly rinse afterward. 
  3. Immediately repeat combing the hair with the lice comb again, swiping it clean into a paper tissue after each strand. 


Usually, 2 treatments within two weeks are sufficient to eliminate those little creatures. 


Don’t lose sleep over sterilizing day-to-day items like bedding, heads, or combs. Wash clothes, towels, and bedding as usual in the washing machine and wash other items in hot soapy water. 


Easy! As gross as these nasty bugs are, if you follow the steps above, they will leave as quickly as they came!


how to get rid of your childs head lice fast


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